Accessible texts, bright photos and exciting online videos build the knowledge, language and social skills they need to succeed in grade school and beyond.
Starting at {{ 2.97 | currency:"$" }}
My Big World
Early Learning
Simple seasonal nonfiction and fun school-readiness activities
Grade K
Starting at {{ 3.23 | currency:"$" }}
Let's Find Out
Early Learning
Fun nonfiction on seasonal science and social studies themes
Grade 1
Starting at {{ 3.23 | currency:"$" }}
Scholastic News 1
Short nonfiction on the seasonal themes you need to teach
Grade 2
Starting at {{ 3.23 | currency:"$" }}
Scholastic News 2
Curriculum-connected nonfiction just for grade two
Grade 2
Starting at {{ 4.59 | currency:"$" }}
Storyworks 2
Language Arts
NEW! Spark reading excitement with the only ELA magazine created just for grade 2
Starting at {{ 3.23 | currency:"$" }}
Let's Find Out (Spanish)
English-Language Learner
Helps ELLs make a smooth transition to English
All Scholastic Magazines